Friday, January 01, 2021

2021 New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Last year, a friend shared that she was doing monthly New Year's Resolutions and was asking for more ideas. I followed suite, and did okay at attempting or completing my resolutions, though not always in the correct month. I still have not attempted to make a pie crust, however.

In 2021 I resolve to:

Read 1 book/week for the year. I had this resolution last year, and if you count children's chapter books I made it. But, I don't really want to count Captain Underpants without children's chapter books I'm logging in at 48. I have 3 half-way read books that I will add to 2021's list when I finish.

January: Write 5 days a week. I had a similar resolution two months last year. In June, I wrote more than usual, but less than my goal. By November I wasn't looking at my monthly resolutions, so I completely forgot it.

February: Log my food intake 6 days a week. I do pretty well at eating judiciously from April until October. Then birthdays and holidays get me all mixed up. I'm not as interested in counting calories as being mindful of how many cookies and chips I eat in a day.

March: Make picture books for David's 1st and 2nd years of life. Classic first child/second child situation here. Gabriel's baby books were not only created and printed, but sent to relatives as well. David does actually have pictures taken of him (thank you, iPhone), but I want to have something for him to page through.

April: Go through boxes of books and papers in the basement. This could be a monthly thing. But, I'll just focus on one month.

May: Write to 20 friends/family. I had a similar resolution for February of last year. It made me really happy. Hopefully it brightened other people's days too.

June: Read a new genre to me. Last year, when this monthly resolution came around, I had already been reading a lot more about black history and politics. It wasn't exactly a new genre so much as going deeper. This year, I will look for something that is a history or international politics or topic-to-learn book.

July: One-on-one time with each family member. Really, this should be every month. And, I do try. But, it helps to have it be a resolution at at time when there's less going on in our lives.

August: Look into and book a class for me. Cooking? Spanish? Coding? I don't know what I'll do, but I'd like to do something.

September: ? I'm still thinking here.

October: Write something each day. A personal e-mail to someone, an inquiry about a local problem, blog, letters or cards, private journal, or...

November: Order Christmas cards. Completed this resolution in 2020 as well. Made me feel incredibly ahead of schedule.

December: Finish up 2021 and plan 2022 New Year's Resolutions.

I look forward to seeing how I do, and figuring out September.

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