Thursday, January 21, 2021

The President We Need Now

I am hopeful for what our new administration will bring. I am grateful that there is one layer of fear that has been removed from my daily life. While I have no misconceptions that the evil that stoked and carried out the insurrection on January 6th has been taken care of, at least that evil is not the one in charge of setting the tone, of having the nuclear codes, no longer the one that holds the highest office in our country. 

At the same time that I'm hopeful and relieved, I'm also quite certain that much will be left undone. Some of that due to the sheer enormity of a clean-up job the past occupant of the White House is leaving. Some of that due to where our once-again-baby-boomer president will land on certain issues. 

When the bishop who was part of my first call process left the synod abruptly, in the middle of his 2nd term (it was not an easy reelection), the next bishop who was called was a real, kind, comfortable pastor. He was not a mover and a shaker, regardless of how kind and keen-eyed he was (is). But after some upheaval, that seemed to be called for. The bishop currently in place is not someone I know well, but my sense is that he is willing and able to step into the role that requires both prophetic and pastoral, that brings words of challenge when necessary.

While I was fully behind Elizabeth Warren, and I would have loved Bernie's platform, I feel such relief to have competent people being placed in positions to which they will bring life and vision. In much the same way the "after-bishop" was able to draw good, strong people to work with him, I see Joe Biden as drawing on wonderful people. And, for many of them, I hope this is not the top of their careers. 

I hope President Biden is a 1-term president, not because I hope he doesn't succeed, but because I hope he succeeds amazingly and that part of that success is lifting up new leadership who can carry on guiding the ship that he has already begun to right. I hope that this term leads to a new, progressive, (non-baby-boomer) president. 

A year ago I wouldn't have been where I am not, but I am SO GLAD that President Biden is who was elected. That we are where we are now.

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