Monday, June 22, 2020


For the primary elections this Spring, I wrote 100 postcards that got sent to Wisconsin to encourage people to vote. That election ended up being quite the debacle, and I felt a twinge of guilt, even though the postcards were mailed well before the election happened. 

This time around, I've got 200 blank (well, now 198 blank) postcards to send during October for the general election in November. I'm actually hoping that I can finish these and request more. The postcards don't seem to target any particular kind of voter, but with the organizers being liberal leaning, I believe the understanding is that if more people vote it's more likely that the liberal candidates will be voted in. 

I'm nervous about this election. Nervous especially because I can't believe that people voted for our current president in the first place. And now almost four years later, I'm not really sure what to make of that. So, I'm going to write postcards. I'm going to vote (in my county I can request a vote by mail ballot). I'm going to encourage others to vote. I'm not sure what else to do.

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