Monday, June 15, 2020

Anti-Racism moving forward.

Continuing from yesterday's post - I realized today that some of what I have "done" up until now in regards to working on anti-racism beyond my own self has been through work. Through preaching, through educating, through using the power I have in that way.

And now I'm not going to have that pulpit - literally and figuratively.

So, how does this change? 

I wonder if the pulpit - and the privilege of its use afforded to me - was safe. What I spoke was personal. What I proclaimed was intimate. But, it didn't require me to act in the moment. I prepared. I practiced. I wrote. I Googled when I didn't know something. I used a manuscript. 

Stepping outside of the pulpit and continuing the work of fighting racism is a shift - and one I have to take. I suppose I have done it in some ways - drawing attention to some subtle racist language (that many white people are ignorant of the racist roots) used at my kids' daycare. Posting on social media. Dabbling my toes in the gun control movement locally. 

But it's not enough. 

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