Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Sleeping Pill

It's late to be writing for me. I often write best in the early morning and here it is almost 10pm.

Since mid-April I've been taking ½ a Zyrtec pill each night for my allergies. Most people do not become drowsy with this medication. I am not most people. It knocks me out - which is why I only take ½ a pill. (My allergist also has this happen to her. Since others had tried to convince me it's not supposed to make you drowsy, I felt so vindicated when she shared that it's uncommon, but it happens to her too.) Even though it makes me groggy I have continued to take it because it's been the allergy pill that has worked best on my allergies.

An added perk: because of the Zyrtec, I sleep heavily and usually do not have a hard time falling asleep or (most of the time) returning to sleep when David gets me up in the middle of the night. When people have talked about having trouble sleeping during this stressful time I realize that I am somewhat grateful to have this unintentional sleeping pill.

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