Monday, June 08, 2020

Happy Home

We moved into our house 10 ½ months ago. We're still getting acquainted with it. We're figuring out how we want things, what we want to do in the future, what we actually have under our fingertips. 

Some things are not so great. We have a specific place where we know mice have gotten in. It's not a huge problem - we think we've only had 2 so far, but we're not exactly sure where we need to fill in order to stop this. We also have a silverfish problem and are working to address it. And, we're looking toward replacing our roof. 

But other things are so amazing. We keep have surprises bloom on the plants all around us. Our deck is especially comfortable at most times of day, but especially late afternoon and evening. The tree outside of the office blocks the direct sunlight which means it's sunshiny, but not sweltering. We have beautiful roses. I suppose that falls under the surprise blooms. But, they feel like an additional plus.

Our basement is cool when it's hot. Most basements are, but ours includes plenty of room to play, watch a movie, exercise - and has a bathroom too! We have lots of different spaces for us to be - to change up our scenery. Gabriel has found that he likes to read books in our family room - behind one of our chairs on the floor - in the sun. 

Above all, I am so thankful that we moved here when we did. That we're doing this homebound time in this home and not our last one. It is a huge blessing.

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