Sunday, June 14, 2020

Continuing to Grow into Anti-Racism

I have written very little so far about George Floyd, protests, defunding the police and all that has been moving in our country in the last two weeks. Because of social distancing, we've decided not to go to any in-person protests or vigils. I'm trying to figure out how else to support the movement. 

For the last couple of years I've been reading more, and keeping track of what I've read. This year I've got the goal of reading a book a week, and though sometimes I get a little behind, I've caught up and am on track. A subgoal these last few years has been to read more BIPOC and LGBTQ authors...mostly fiction and sci-fi, but also some non-fiction, memoirs, stories of the author's life experience. 

We have also given some to organizations that are doing work to support migrants (especially in detention), the NAACP, The Southern Poverty Law Center, and Planned Parenthood. I've sometimes communicated with elected officials and am going to try to do more of that. To keep educating myself about topics and speaking up about them. This communication is definitely one of my growing edges.

And, I'm listening. I'm listening through books I read but also through social media (though I'm trying to not be on that as much), and other media - movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc.

At this point I know there is more to do. But, between my family's social distancing intention and my attempt to be on electronic devices less when I'm around my kids (from 6:30am-9pm), I feel limited. And when I write that, it feels like an excuse. 

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