Thursday, November 08, 2018


As I write, I do so with my almost-2-year-old, David, in my lap. We shall see how much I can actually type and how much he takes over the keyboard.

Because of colds and fevers, I have had some extra one-on-one time with him in the last couple weeks. Even as a child who can't communicate fully and isn't feeling well, he is a sweet boy. He's curious and determined. The last two months his favorite phrase is "I do dat" sometimes said after he has done something, sometimes as he is insisting that he do it.

He loves to play with his big brother - and tries to keep up as best as he can. He also can easily spend a good deal of time playing by himself. When we go to do something we don't often have to worry about his disposition or whether he will have fun, because he goes with the flow....except when it comes to getting in his carseat.

I say that even as he readily asserts his opinion. He wants to do things for himself. He prefers dad to put him to bed. He will rarely try a new food item, and along with his pickiness we struggle with feeding him because of allergies. He is ready to play at school when we drop off Gabriel (and will start after he turns 2). 

I am thankful for this precious child - for the love he gives and the love I get to give. For his part in our family - and for all the ways in which he does and will bless the world. 

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