Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Opportunity to Be Something In Addition to "Mom"

Today is Tuesday - the day the boys go to daycare and the day I get to spend a good amount of time doing the work I get to do. Today, I'm spending more time in the office than normal - because I have this Sunday off, so I won't have to be working on a sermon later.

Sometimes Tuesdays are hard because the boys, while well cared for and fine once we get there, are not always thrilled with having to go to daycare. Those hard times of getting us all out the door also help me appreciate that this work that I get to do lets me be more than mom for some time. I get to come and be something that I was prior to being a mom (with different people, but the work is similar). I get to regularly experience a little bit more of the wholeness of who I am and get to create and use my brain differently than I do when consumed by trains and board books and playing Batman and Robin.

And, honestly, sometimes I'm just grateful that it's someone else's responsibility to take care of my kids for a minute.

Another day, when this isn't about thankfulness, I'd like to write a bit about what it's been like rediscovering who I am as a pastor - and how that is held with who I am as a mom. That could take a while though.

Today, I am thankful that I do get the opportunity to flex a different skill set a couple times a week.

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