Thursday, November 01, 2018


The first of November. Some of my Facebook friends will be posting about something they are thankful for each day. I'm not so sure I'm wanting to be that public in my attempt - but I would like to participate in the practice. 

A different Facebook friend took the month of October to write 5 minutes every day with a prompt. I'm going to combine these two efforts and try to sit down for 5 minutes every day in this space to write about some aspect of thankfulness. Whether it's something/one for which I'm thankful - or the other emotions thankfulness brings out in me. 

Tonight, for the remainder of my 5 minutes (about 2 minutes worth), I'm going to just name possible writing topics or words upon which I'll focus.

Perhaps I'll write about: home, love, Pablo, Gabriel, David, Mom, Dad, my siblings, their spouses, my nephew. Perhaps I'll write about work: the dabbling I get to do, sermon preparation, time away (once/month), teaching, colleagues, time away (part 2 - away from my mom-work). Perhaps I'll talk about feeling warmth, joy, peace, contentment and even frustration. 

I may touch on all of these, or only some - and I'm sure there will be others. But, my 5 minutes is up. Hopefully, until tomorrow....

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