Friday, November 16, 2018


The topics of these posts really highlight what I spend the majority of my time doing and thinking about: parenting and my family. I talk about this being a season of life, and I do believe that we are in a particularly time-and-energy-consuming period of our kids' lives. It will not always be this consuming.

However, today I am thankful for kindness of people who are either a stranger or who I do not know well. I got to be the parent helper in Gabriel's class today and one of the other moms made sure to tell me how smart he is. More importantly, though, she told me that her daughter, who started school late, said that Gabriel is one of her best friends and that he said hi and was friendly to her right away. So - awww, yes, my kid is learning kindness. But also, what kindness of that mom to make sure I knew about that.

Another example of kindness: we had to pull over to the side of the road yesterday because Gabriel and I failed to make sure there was enough empty bladder space for the 15-minute ride home. Anyway, I was pulled over in a bit of an out-of-the-way place, with my hazards on for about 3 minutes. I was getting Gabriel back in the car when another car pulled up and a woman offered help - assuming something was wrong with my car.

Sometimes it feels like it's hard to find kindness - so I'm grateful for three examples shows to me in the last couple days.

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