Saturday, March 17, 2007

Involved, Invested, Inspired...Irritated

A little over a year ago I posted this. To sum it up - it's about acting as if I was into something to be polite.

It happened again. Except, this time, I was masking some stronger feelings than boredom.

Retreats are supposed to be relaxing and inspiring. Relaxing it was, inspiring - not so much. I also went in expecting to have 2 of the other retreatants irritate me the entire time. Good news: One of them was incredibly tolerable - even enjoyable. Bad news: the other was in top form and I had to be incredibly aware of my facial expressions whenever she spoke (which was often).

But, with one exception, I think I faked my way through it. I think people will have thought that I was involved, invested, and inspired. The one exception was addressing this one irritant and a particular comment she made that was offensive to me. (She made others that were too, but this was the only one I reacted to).

Do other people just not say something? Am I hearing her completely wrong? Maybe to both.

The retreat did have some very good parts. A parishioner of mine was there. I got to spend time with the two other pastors who were there and some other people who are quite enjoyable. The sisters at the retreat center were amazing and they had a fantastic book store. I got to walk by the lake and eat good food prepared by other people. I got to be part of and lead worship that felt meaningful.

I just wish I didn't feel like I was faking it during the cheesy parts.

1 comment:

Backwoods Rev said...

For these kind of events, I keep in mind that sometimes we have the choice to hold the front, take a stand or RETREAT! RETREAT!

way to keep love and patience at the forefront of your game!

(is it seminary or PK-ness that teaches us the polite interested face? hmm....)