Thursday, August 30, 2007

Presents from God

God was so present at church last night - it was overwhelming.

Among other ways, God showed up:

* In the new volunteer who was moved to tears as he observed what was going on at the Soup Kitchen. And who recognized that he will be filled as he breaks bread with others (and helps to clean up afterwards).

* In the calming presence of a homeless man as he recommended that the hotheaded one give me a call to tell me what was bothering him. And, the hothead listened and set up a time to call me today.

* In the Free Clinic's calm approach as they realized they were short a nurse. And the matter-of-fact and loving way in which people were handled. (I love nurses!)

* In the church members who stepped up (not thinking they were going to have to) during Soup Kitchen...which was especially needed because it was a 5th Wednesday.

* In the hoards of people who came to Soup Kitchen for the first time last night.

* In a member who I've been working with who really needed a connection that was made.

* In the people who had been regular visitors to worship last Spring but stopped coming due to physical ailments....who stopped by because they learned there is a Free Clinic here - and who said they'll be back on Sunday.

* In the small worship service.
- First with the amazing tale of calling someone's bullshit out - that resulted in anger...but then the transformation that happened and the peace offered.
- Then, in the very real conversation about how we are motivated to do things for others.
- But most amazingly, in the woman - who happened upon our service - who has experienced tragedy, abandonment and disappointment in loved ones - who is truly trying to follow Jesus - not in a passive way, but in a very real, active way. In her story of forgiving others. In her strength. In her excitement for Jesus.
- Also, in the connection that was made as our member who is homeless walked up to her after the service and quietly asked if she needed anything to make it on the street. He who is a guardian angel to so many street people - and an eye opener to members of my church.

* In the reuniting with the guys from AA that I have not seen almost all summer - the jokes, the hugs and their delight in seeing me.

God is so good.


Pink Shoes said...

So good, indeed.

Backwoods Rev said...
