So, this Sunday, I gave that up. I always have at least one lay person helping with the laying on of hands and anointing for healing. And both had agreed to help in today's service long ago. We were contemplating having three stations, instead of the usual two, and so it worked just fine with the two.
Instead of me serving the bread, I went and sat in the pew after presiding at the altar. I got to kneel at the altar for both the laying on of hands and for communion. I got to pray ('cause I couldn't sing) for all of the people that I usually look in the eye and say "The body of Christ, given for you." I knew what particular prayers that many of the people would ask for, and prayed for them.
It's nice every once in a while to have the place where I sit - my point of view - be turned around. It's nice to see the church in action. It's nice to not have to stifle my cough and constantly sniff worried that I'm going to spread whatever it is I have.
Also - I made this "Radicchio-Porcini Risotto" (pg 88):
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