Friday, February 15, 2008

Hope Comes in the Morning

Things are always better in the morning. They just are for me. I don't know if others feel similarly - but I get that phrase "hope comes in the morning" 'cause I tend to be more grounded...and hopeful during the day. I also am more willing to take risks at night - I wonder why that is...hmmm.

Anyway, I'm unfreaked out. I no longer feel like my life is out of control. After blogging last night, I wrote some thoughts for my sermon and then slept for about 5 hours, got up and got "hoped on" by Barack Obama and then had lunch with a friend. I have accomplished a few things on my lists (yay - the garbage is out!), have plenty more, but feel like I can take a nap (while my clothes are agitating in the washer).

Maybe they'll even be time for a movie.


~moe~ said...

Good for you! Morning are always better...what's that cheesey 70s song? Morning has la la laaaaa laaa... I can't remember the words but I'm sure they're fitting for this occasion.

Jessica said...

Psalm 30:5b
"Weeping may linger for the night,
but joy comes with the morning."

This was the theme of my introduction to seminary retreat. Nice, eh? :-)