Friday, October 19, 2007

Commending all for whom (and what) we pray

On Wednesday night, one of my fellow worshipers spoke of his wife praying for strength. He said that perhaps she should stop praying for strength because God then keeps giving her situations in which to use that strength. Maybe she should pray for peace instead.

I don't believe that is how God works.

But, I wonder if I should stop praying for strength....and perhaps wisdom as well.

I'm not going to stop praying for strength and wisdom in my work, but it does make me recognize that sometimes those are the two qualities for which I pray the most. I don't pray for lightheartedness or a restful time for myself. I don't pray to have a light work week or a full social calendar.

I'm realizing...regardless of how one believes prayer works...that I would like to be more well-rounded in my prayers for myself. Prayers for others tend to be holistic. Prayers myself tend to focus on work.

So, today I'm going to pray that my time at the orchard is invigorating and dry (rain is in the forcast) and that the brewery birthday party is joyous and energizing. Amen.


Backwoods Rev said...

I think it might have been mother Theresa who said:
God doesn't give us more than we can handle... I just wish he didn't trust me so much!

Enjoy that golden (or dark brown) brew!

~moe~ said...

it's interesting to think about what we pray for. Often I wonder if I'm praying for the wrong things - like giving the Indians the strength and patience as they face the Red Sox, or for consciousness and perseverance as I study for tests. Are these the right things to pray for? Is there a right thing? I don't know. Interesting thought to ponder.