Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Facebook: The Black Hole of Time

If it weren't for the scrabble (or scrabulous) application, I'm not sure I would be as addicted to Facebook as I am. But, there is rarely a day that I am not checking my Facebook page - at the very least to play my next move on scrabble, but often to check in on "friends" (most of whom really are friends).

I've started to notice though, that I now sometimes assimilate some of the information about what is currently going on with a person as if we've had a conversation about it. So, at a meeting the other day, I mentioned that I knew so-and-so wasn't feeling well. I knew this because of her Facebook page - not because of any conversation with her.

It's so odd. And something to watch. Pretty soon I'll just be saying "So-and-so is...." and only ever be able to tell you their status, and not really how they are.

1 comment:

Pink Shoes said...

And the green bean dish below? Looks super yummy.