Saturday, September 15, 2007

Early Bird

Up until my second year of college I was one of those annoying people who would practically leap out of bed. It's not that I would wake up naturally, but when my alarm went off I was up and ready to go.

Something about those late college nights and extra responsibility removed that immediate bounciness and I started to have to drag myself out of bed, even setting more than one alarm for a while.

Now, however, I've been waking up naturally more and more - earlier too. I am also finding myself somewhere in between these two states. My current mode of operation when I wake up is to be calm and relaxed. I've recently enjoyed a little bit of extra time in the morning in which I get to drink my coffee, read the paper, maybe go for a run and just be.

Ooops - there goes my alarm for the day.

I like this morning time and am thankful for it because while evening time like this - calm, centered around books or music or some task - is's good to start the day this way.

Now on to tackle this one...

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

I use 3 alarms, but still go to bed early enough that I tend to wake up before they go off. AND I have one that is set 15 or 18 minutes fast (it's at least 15 but I think it's more), another that is at least 10 and one more that's on the money.

But my thing is I've really moved into being more of a morning person. Even on weekends I wake up no later than 7:30 and that seems really late. I used to sleep until 10, no problem. Weird how things change with age.

I hear there's something like gray hair and vision loss coming too...I'm a little worried since I have a little of some and a lot of the other already. sheesh...