Thursday, July 19, 2007


I love that I get to set my own schedule.

I decided that I was going to primarily work from home today. I've been in intense situations with a lot of people - and have had to make a lot of decisions lately. Now, I'm home. My secretary knows where to find me. But, for the most part I'm working on writing. I need to - I have a lot to put together and write.

I rarely take advantage of the flexibility I have in my schedule, because I so often overwork. Not this week though.

The flexibility of my schedule - and my failure to keep time for myself - then leads to body aches and pains. I do hold tension - often from the pains of others - in my body. I feel it. I try to stretch, to breath, to do what I can to let go of it. But, it doesn't always work.

So, in essence, the flexibility of my job hinders the flexibility of my body....only when I allow it to. Crap. It's all on me again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy, As we are sisters, and I am an energy healer I also deal with holding other people's emotions in my body. What my school taught me was to first ask if this is my pain or someone else's and if it is not yours to say " Thank you body/god/universe for this information, but it does not serve me to hold onto this information any longer." and then you try and let it flow like a river out of you as smoothly as it flowed into you. It helps me to do this