Monday, July 30, 2007

I hate being the one to set other people's boundaries. I don't like having to tell people what to do.

I don't like confrontation. Especially when it involves me needing to set boundaries (my own and others). I do it because it's necessary. While I might initially step back, I don't shy away from it.

I especially don't like it though, when it involves my personal life. Here I drag my feet.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Just Wait

A couple minutes ago I went to get rid of some flowers that are over a week old when I noticed that a couple of the more hidden, tiny ones are just starting to bloom. Sure, the more showey flowers are dead - brown even (and should have been thrown out a few days ago), but there is new, subtle beauty opening up within the death.

This morning I led the Outreach committee in some visioning - some evaluation. It was a bit nerve wracking to be the leader because of some strong personalities...but it was a productive morning, with good conversation.

There have been some showy examples of how we are involved in the community, but I think the true testament is the continued relationship building that is going on. We named that, and noted that we need to continue to work on that. It might not be a big production of show, but a quiet build up of community.

There has also been a quiet build up for my own support network. It sometimes explodes in recognizing (as I did last night) that I've got some pretty cool friends - and they're not all pastors (!). As I somehow ended up at one friend's performance with four other friends who either barely knew each other - or had never met. Add to that, the work support network that continues to emerge - I think as a vision is being knit together and communicated. They aren't so much a support of me as a support of the work that I think we're all working towards...but it's so much nicer than attempting the work alone.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Mailman ROCKS!

This morning as a friend and I left the house to go to the Farmer's Market we ran into my mailman as he was organizing his route. He asked if I was waiting for Harry Potter and I excitedly responded that I was and did he have it???

He did and I squealed and jumped up and down as someone 20 years younger than myself would (tee hee!!!!). He handed me the book and then looked at me thoughtfully and said, "Seeing your reaction, I wonder if I should go deliver these other books right now."

My friend and I went on our way and soon saw him drive by. When we returned from the Farmer's Market he was back on my street and I asked if he did deliver them. He said that he had and that all but one of the recipients was really excited too.

My mailman rocks.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


I love that I get to set my own schedule.

I decided that I was going to primarily work from home today. I've been in intense situations with a lot of people - and have had to make a lot of decisions lately. Now, I'm home. My secretary knows where to find me. But, for the most part I'm working on writing. I need to - I have a lot to put together and write.

I rarely take advantage of the flexibility I have in my schedule, because I so often overwork. Not this week though.

The flexibility of my schedule - and my failure to keep time for myself - then leads to body aches and pains. I do hold tension - often from the pains of others - in my body. I feel it. I try to stretch, to breath, to do what I can to let go of it. But, it doesn't always work.

So, in essence, the flexibility of my job hinders the flexibility of my body....only when I allow it to. Crap. It's all on me again.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Blasted - updated

A Sunday morning post again.
I'm prying my eyes awake this morning after one set of my blasted neighbors decided to race a buzzing motorcycle or scooter on my street for a couple hours after midnight and then my downstairs neighbors (perhaps the same ones who were riding the motorcycle??? I dunno??) decided it was a fantastic idea to set off (blasted) fireworks....the big kind...between 2:45 and 3:15.

I would really love to curl up under the covers this morning and have a lazy Sunday morning. I'd like to do that many weeks - but especially today. Currently, after forcing myself to get up and start getting ready I've got that combination exhaustion/alertness quality going on. The one that feels a lot like anxiety.

Oh well. Today I think I only have a short time of work and can hopefully be back home (under the covers) by 11:30....earlier than normal. I just have to make it through the next four and a half hours.

It's just after 11:30 and I'm home with definite plans to spend some quality time in my bed. However, worship was really good today. Despite my half-comatose was energizing and warm (in emotion, not temperature). Yay!