Tuesday, June 19, 2007


It happens to be my mother's 60th birthday today. She is in Tanzania and so a Happy Birthday phone call will not be part of today's celebration.

As I was preparing for a devotion for some older adults, I came across these two poems/prayers from the book Soul Weavings: A Gathering of Women's Prayers, edited by Lyn Klug.

A wandering Aramean was my mother.
In Egypt she bore slaves.
Then she called to the God of our mothers.
Sarah, Hagar, Rebeccah, Rachel, Leah.
Praise God who hears, forever.

A warrior, judge, and harlot was my mother.
God used her from time to time.
She gave what she gave, and was willing.
Rahab, Jael, Deborah, Judith, Tamar.
Praise God who takes, forever.

A Galilean virgin was my mother.
She bore our Life and Hope.
And a sword pierced her own soul, also.
Mary, blessed among women, mother of God.
Praise God who loves, forever.

A witness to Christ's rising was my mother
What angels said, she told.
The apostles thought it was an idle tale.
Mary, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, women with them.
Praise God who lives, forever.

A faithful Christian woman was my mother.
A mystic. Martyr. Saint.
May we, with her, in ever generation,
Julian, Perpetua, Clare, Hilda,
Praise God who made us,
Praise God who saved us,
Praise God who keeps us all forever. Amen.
-Martha Blacklock, Mother Thunder Mission, New York City

My God, I praise you, I thank you for my mother.
For all that she could give me,
for all that she gave of herself,
a true, living school of love and humility.
She reveals to me your mystery -
thank you for her revelation of your truth.
Now, O God, I pray for all the children
of Africa, of Asia, of America and Europe.
For all the children of the world.
Give me a heart like that of a mother
the heart of a black woman for her children.
-Mamia Woungly-Massaga, Cameroon

1 comment:

Backwoods Rev said...

What a beautiful prayer!

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