Thursday, June 28, 2007

5 Things I Dig About Jesus

I was tagged by Backwoods Rev for this meme:

1. I dig that even though he was so anticipated, he was so unexpected.

2. I dig that he wasn't always a nice guy...but there was usually not-niceness in order to call people to be transformed. (Like a favorite movie quote says, "God loves you just the way you are. But He loves you too much to let you stay that way." Junebug) I don't trust guys that are too nice.

3. I dig that because of him, I know God better.

4. I dig the whole equality thing - the lack of care for societies rankings - the focusing of attention not on petty rituals, but on what was really important - relationship with God - through relationship with others.

5. I did that he formed a community to continue the work of living in God's kingdom, not Caesar's (or Bush's). A community to love one another, to support one another in this tough work, to call one another into accountability.

So, I originally posted this thing without feels a bit like a chain letter. And yet, it was so much more fun than I had originally thought it would be. So, I'll tag: Abba, Jessica, Meckhead (even though she hasn't blogged in over a year), Kendi, and um, well - you....whoever you are.

Rules for this meme:
a)Those tagged will share "Five Things They Dig About Jesus".
b)Those tagged will tag 5 people. (if they can find someone untagged!)
c) Those tagged will leave a link to their meme in the comments section of the blog of the person who tagged them (meaning this post) so that everyone can keep track of what's being posted.


Backwoods Rev said...

Aha! See I knew you might just like it.... great play!

Jessica said...

Ok. But I need some time to think. :-)