Friday, October 27, 2006

Pastor = Me = Friend

I had a really good pastoral day yesterday. Since kids in public schools in this area had off, I had one of my monthly classes - from 9-12...we only got through 2/3rds of what I'd planned, but they were asking good questions and were invested.

Had three intense and good pastoral visits with people - over surgery, death, and theological discovery.

But, I worry. I think one of the same things that makes me a good pastor makes me a good friend. And, when I overuse my good listening and making connections muscles in my job, they're just worn out and weak when I talk with friends.

No matter how interesting, how entertaining, how close I feel to the person, I find myself distracted and not as able to make connections or listen as carefully.

I do, however, bubble over with talking about myself. And so it sometimes becomes a bit of a lopsided conversation.

I guess what I have going for me is that I'm self-aware. At least I know my tendencies.

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