Thursday, October 12, 2006

Judge Amused

Sometimes I feel so shallow. People come to me with these big problems and tell me about the episodes that change their lives. What do I say? How do I guide them? I have no wisdom for them.

Most of the time I don't really need to know anything - just to guide people to help them to see God working in their lives. But, every once in a while, part of my job is to help people keep in check.

With my job I've actually told someone that she was sinning and that she needed to stop it. I've sat across from a different someone and said that her feelings were valid, but that the action she was contemplating needed to be checked.

Who the heck am I to be saying that to someone?

Recently I sat next to someone whom I constantly judge. This person is one whom I sometimes think of when forming a sermon that talks about greed or superiority. And, it's unfair. Yes, I get a bit of a negative vibe from her - not because she is negative, I just don't trust her. But, she has done very little to make me mistrust her. Who needs to be judged here? Looks like me.

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