Thursday, August 25, 2005

Two days later...

Here it is, two days later and although I'm exhausted, I feel like competent Pastor again. Over the course of Tues to Wed I worked a full 24 hours. Today was all about getting the newsletter out, getting the bulletin ready and now, finally, I get to work on my sermon.

I've learned it's better for me to leave the office when I want to write a sermon. I work better at my home office. It might be comfort level, it might be the lighting (I actually wonder if it's my keyboard at work that is difficult to type on), but I just am more inspired at home.

Two days later - I've had some deep conversations with some, been brushed off by others, helped plan a large event, visited a woman in a nursing home, met for a text study with other clergy, finalized some staff transitions and actually took some time to study the Bible. Two days later and I'm remembering what I'm doing here and why I'm doing it.


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