Thursday, December 16, 2004

I Need A Shower

I'm not fact I showered less than 6 hours ago and have done nothing to make me dirty. I need a shower because I need to see the big picture.

I do some of my best thinking in the shower. For some odd reason, warm water hitting me in the head makes me think. I come up with many thoughts, revelations and ideas while showering. Too bad I have no water proof paper to write on.

I need a shower now. I'm working on a couple of different things that I enjoy (a paper and a sermon) but I'm lacking some distance from each of them. My brain is cluttered and I just keep typing similar phrases and statements over and over again as I write. A shower would wash away the clutter and leave behind shiny bright ideas and direction. But, I'm not going to shower. If I did so I might turn into a prune as I try to work out all that I want to and that would not be good.

In some ways this blog is like a shower. It lets me get rid of some of the random thoughts and feelings I have so I can concentrate better on the task at hand. I may not come away feeling washed clean, but I do feel refreshed as I share my randomness with the blogging world. So - after popping down more random thoughts on this blog I'm back to my paper and my sermon.

As an afternote on a completely different subject, I find it odd that the spell check that the blog uses does not recognize the words 'blog' or 'blogging.'

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