Sunday, November 28, 2004

Shrink Wrap Your Windows

One of my roommates is a self-proclaimed Christmas decorating fiend. Yesterday, the day we arrived back after Thanksgiving away, she proceeded to decorate our entire apartment with her Christmas decorations. The CD player is now full of Christmas music, we have a small, silver tree in the corner of our living room, and all of our kitchen towels have miraculously turned blue with snowflakes on them. I have generally not decorated my apartments and dorm rooms when at school because I don't really like to decorate until about a week before Christmas - and then leave it up until the beginning of January.

But I did my own sort of November decorating today - I went to the hardware store and purchased window insulating plastic. So far I've only done the bathroom window. I want to wait a bit before doing my bedroom in the chance that we get yet another warm front and I want to open it for some reason. Although I want to be warm, I'm not quite ready to block myself off.

I really enjoy putting the plastic up, however - especially the part where you use a hairdryer. There is just something satisfying about the plastic forming itself to the shape you've designated for it. So, don't call me to help decorate for Christmas before Dec. 15th, but if you need any help shrink wrapping your windows - I'm the woman to call.


Jessica said...

You're welcome to come anytime and help me shrink wrap the windows. :-)

Amy said...

I'll get a plane ticket right away. Germany would but much more fun than Chicago right now - particularly because I'd be running away from the end of the semester as well as Forms A, B and C being due.

Abba said...

This comment does not relate to the post at hand but to "Primary Wonder" in general. If your first vocational pursuit doesn't work out, please consider being a copy editor. You write great headlines.

Amy said...

Thanks for the commendation - however as soon as it would be a requirement I'd freeze up. :)