Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Suit Yourself

I purchased my first official suit today. With a major interview coming up and the possibility of many more in the spring I finally purchased one that wasn't from the clearance section of the juniors department. It's simple, black, has good lining and a good line. It will be appropriate in many circumstances - but - it has no pockets.

My 8th grade biology teacher used to wear these jumpers and skirts with really deep pockets. She kept any number of things in there - and I specifically remember her one time pulling out a chloroform frog wrapped in plastic. When I thought I was going to be a teacher I envisioned myself with such pockets. I love being able to stash what I need and just pull it out. In high school I kept my driver's license in my back pocket with any money I might need and my keys in my front pocket. It took me until after college to even own a purse I would carry.

But, now, due to my suit's deficiency, I am pretty much required to carry a purse - which I now don't mind and even enjoy. Yet, to have to because my suit does not have pockets is aggravating. It just means my life is more high-maintenance.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

It's probably just as well that your suit doesn't have pockets. The interviewers may not be too impressed when you pull out a chloroformed frog. :-)
They don't even *make* men's suits without pockets, do they? Hmm...I bet the clothing industry is in cahoots with the purse-snatchers' union.