Monday, December 22, 2008

Much to do

As I'm making lists and checking them twice - of things to accomplish, not what others have done - I recognize my persistent folly.

Good intentions don't always lead to action.

Baby showers, wedding showers, RSVPs go unanswered.

Projects begun, small tasks that with some organization would take little effort, basic life jobs, are incomplete.

Jumping from one project to another, never having the patience to fully finish. Never feeling really accomplished. Always giving up one thing to move on immediately to the next. It's not over until events are done and time has passed. I can always do more.

Today, Christmas Eve service and sermon. Christmas Day. Christmas Cards. Forgo the gym. Possibly no leisure reading. A clean bathroom? What's that? Only 2 more days!

1 comment:

Backwoods Rev said...

You are doing great!
I haven't sent cards out for years, there's a scary ring around my toilet, and I thought about excercizing this morning as I punched my snooze button...

Now One more Day. Jesus will be born... ready or not quite, Jesus will still be born!
Merry Christmas!