Saturday, December 27, 2008

Isn't It Done Yet?

Here I am, supposedly writing before I head into work for some pastoral care visits and to put things in order for tomorrow and the next few days.

My writing deadline of Dec 31st approaches quickly, and I'm not halfway done. The editor called me a couple days before Christmas to see how I was doing, and basically told me that Dec 31st was not a hard deadline. Which meant that I have allowed myself to not reach it.

I have a few days left, but many of those will be with family, not spent writing. I allowed this entire week to be about Christmas and some relaxing. Yesterday I both went to the gym and went Cross-Country Skiing. Which I would not have done if I was paying attention to this project.

This is one of those things that I'm really glad that I am doing, but am going to be so relieved when it is over.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Good to see you yesterday! It was great to catch up. Good luck with your project.