Thursday, December 04, 2008

Fresh Air

Following this past weekend with my parents I feel like I let out a deep breath - a breath that I've been holding for a long time. I'm more grounded, happier, feel less frantic.

What was it? Could it have been the many projects they worked on in my house: putting plastic on my windows, fixing the thing that holds my shower head, fixing my kitchen faucet, replacing the missing screw that hold the smoke detector up....other than the window, nothing very major.

Could it have been my mom got to preparing meals and doing dishes before I could? I tried to be on top of things, but she just naturally jumped in. I felt really taken care of.

Was it the theological discussion with my dad? (We tried to liken the red bows we put on Christmas trees to creation - are the bows the purpose? or merely one part of a bigger purpose?). Was it that he helped me explore some texts that I'm needing to study?

Could it have been our own make-shift "day of listening" that NPR was promoting. We didn't record anything, but we engaged in some of the story telling and listening to one another.

I worked each day they were here, but we still had good time together. I don't have a whole lot else to write about....but I am feeling good - involved, busy - but not frantic. Like I've had a breath of fresh air.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

I have found that I get to a point where I just need to be around people who know me or in a place where I feel most comfortable. Usually when I get to this point I'm on my way to the cities to get a massage and see Debbie and Keith or traveling to Wisconsin to see E&K. It's these moments that help me become grounded again, like the air here continues to fill me up more and more until I'm just floating along with nothing holding me down or together. But with people who know me and what I need I can reglue myself together and come back to earth.

It's a beautiful thing. I'm counting the hours until Monday when I can do this. *sigh*