Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Bable of What's Going On

Since I last posted I've been on the lower end of the mood spectrum. A combination of overwork, underplay, yearning for some specific kinds of relationships I don't have, and just plain old questions of purpose.

Last week was especially low. But, I don't want to talk about that.

This week was much better. And, I've had fun. Many times. I needed some of that grounding.
Tuesday night - went walking with a (non-church) friend.
Wednesday night - had a fun time with a (church-related) friend over margaritas.
Friday night - the friend who was "the-only-friend-who-lived-here-that-knew-me-before" and now has turned into "the-only-friend-who-used-to-live here-that knew me before" was back in town for the weekend and gathered a group of her friends (most of whom are now my friends too) for dinner.
Saturday - a huge interfaith service day where I got to be the cool adult (although the organized one who made them count off). They weren't to the point of testing boundaries with me yet - and I so love that part of a youth to adult relationship when they revel in the fact that you care about them and so that's the most important action - caring. (Plus, for some reason the 3 youngest kids (6-8 year olds...all three Muslim) decided I was really cool and followed me around all day and kept asking "do you need any help?" and thought it was awesome that I was the religious leader at my church.)
Then tonight - a recently acquired friend's birthday party (Sue - I went to duckpin bowling!) - and having a good time with all her eclectic friends. By the way - I rock at duckpin bowling.

In a week I go away for a few days. And, I need it. I am exhausted. I am feeling crabby with my tried and true ones who just want some support. I don't feel like I can support them at the moment. I'm having a hard enough time supporting my own self. I haven't had more than one day off in a row since February.

This is simply spurting out what's in my head. Nothing profound. (Although I may post soon about automatic shut offs). Almost a reminder to myself that sometimes I do have good days - even after hard ones.

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