Saturday, November 26, 2005


Report #1
At my Grandparents' home these past few days, not only did I finish the square for the quilt I'm knitting (I don't have a pattern, I'm just knitting squares. Maybe it won't turn out) but I also finished my second sock! Now I have a pair!

Report #2
I signed the cousins up to help provide the Christmas celebration meal. The siblings are bringing soups and the Grandparents are providing bread and cookies. When the siblings were looking around, trying to figure out how to beef up the meal (so to speak) I piped in saying that my generation could take care of it. As one of only 2 cousins there at the time I hope no one minds that I spoke for them. We are between the ages of 23 and 31 - we should be able to pull our weight.

Report #3
My congregation has no plan for snow removal. It snowed yesterday. I spent 2 hours shoveling snow today (in 2 one-hour increments) so that the city doesn't come through to clear it for us (costing us a lot of money). I enjoyed myself, but would have had a much more enjoyable day (maybe even able to take advantage of the presence of a certain Chicago friend in town at her folks) if I had been able to just concentrate on my sermon and get out of there.

Report #4
Said snow shoveling (as well as Wednesday's snow shoveling) are my exercises for the week.
I never did make it to the Y last week. I'll be checking it out soon.
Exercise = 2

1 comment:

Abba said...

Don't sweat it! We'll catch up next time!