Friday, November 18, 2005

Brute Strength

I've been making a few references to childhood toys and cartoons lately. It just seems to fit. Like, the description of Jesus as the head of the church - with the people the body - that is in the second reading for this Sunday makes me think of Transformers (or Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that I grew to love as a college-age babysitter). When the robot or the very large power ranger - I'm not exactly sure what it is - comes together, or transforms - there Jesus the control tower, so to speak. He's calling the shots, directing where things should go and moving this big clunky body forward to do good (or in the case of the cartoons, fight the bad guy). So, is that where the black and white pictures of good and evil come from? Cartoons.

Anyway, back on topic. The most recent childhood cartoon to pop into my head is She-Ra...who, I am sorry to admit I sometimes confuse with Jem...even though they are completely different. They must have been on one right after the other or something. She-Ra popped into my head as I was thinking about what it means to be strong. And, She-Ra's strength is not the kind of strength that I want or have.

Bellerina brought me to tears with a blog of hers in which she referred to me as strong. When I think about it, my back gets straighter and my resolve deeper...and I cry. I want to write about strength, but at the moment I don't think I truly can - I've got too much else going on in my mind to think clearly about it. But, that's what I'm thinking about right now. What does it mean for me to be strong? Where do I see strength in others?

This week's exercise: 0 (but on my list for today is to check out the Y)

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