Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Rest eternal*

Wow - two in one day! I must be writing a sermon.

I am - and that's what this post is about. I am writing a funeral sermon - for someone who hasn't yet died. It is for my class that is focusing on the rites of Weddings, Funerals, Healing and Ordination and we are to write either a wedding or a funeral sermon with the subjects being particular people.

The man I chose is a dear soul who I got to know on my internship. He is in his early 90's and has had a little bit of medical trouble, but not much. It's not expected that he will die soon - but neither is it expected that he will live for another 10 years. Regardless, I will not be the one giving the funeral sermon since I am no longer in that placement. How strange it feels.

Today in chapel we were invited during the prayers of the people to pray outloud for those who were in special need of healing. He was the first person to come to mind.

Also regarding death - if I was Lazarus, I think I was would have been pissed off! if Jesus brought me back to earthly life.

*Grant rest eternal is a phrase used in the burial rite.

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