Monday, December 02, 2013

A New Energy

Today I have a new energy.
I'm ready to think about a work future and be creative and inventive about how to go about living in an unorthodox  - and perhaps an unofficial - call.

Having five months off has helped. I've gotten to become resettled in who I am and my own faith. I've gotten to make some big life changes: marriage, a move. I've gotten to rest.

Getting to preach and preside yesterday certainly helped. I felt rejuvenated in a desire to study, to question, to explore and to put together a message. I felt at home leading liturgy and listening to people.

But, it has been conversations, particularly with two women, that have ultimately encouraged me. One, a bishop's associate in this area, who pushed me to think about how I can be involved and invited me to consider an opportunity - promising there would be others when I decided I wasn't ready to drive over an hour to and from work. The other, my friend who can say the words, "I worry that you aren't allowing yourself to use some very important gifts."

So, here is my plan:
1) Read theologically for ½ an hour a day.
2) Set up a meeting with the bishop in this area.
3) Talk with one of my pastors, the one who is the dean of the conference, and ask for some insight in who I should make a special effort to connect with and indicate my interest in supply preaching.
4) Connect with those pastors.
5) Have coffee (again) with the woman in my area who has pulled this thing off. This time, ask for specifics.
6) Continue to apply for other jobs - hoping that I can also gain something in work outside of the church world.
7) Pray. Pray. Pray.

1 comment:

kendi said...

New energy is always a gift. Sometimes, after we make a huge transition, it's difficult to know when we're done with the old and ready for the new. Your list sounds like a great way to move forward and explore the options. I'll pray, pray, pray, too :)