Thursday, November 09, 2006

When she told me her grandson had returned from Iraq, the tiny 80-something dedicated saint actually jumped up and down. She's a calm, reasonable woman, but she jumped up and down - and I left with a lipstick mark on my cheek.

I got to hold an 8 month old baby with big blue eyes today. Apparently she loves to dance to Christina Aguliara. Her mom says it's better than Justin Timberlake.

Last night I got to play detective as the Property chair and I walked through the building to be sure no one was camping out there. Apparently a man had been in a back staircase the day we have an older adults group - he ran out the outside door when the "older adult" surprised him. I love church buildings - I could walk around sanctuaries in the dark all the time. Of course, we also had to look through the basement. The Property chair let me hold the flashlight.


Backwoods Rev said...

I'm not certain that Christina Aguliara is better than Justin Timberlake... actually we need to introduce that child to some new music! Congrats on adding yet another job title to the already expanding list of descriptions: Pastor as parish detective. That's a pretty cool one!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever played the game Sardines in a dark, empty church building? Now them is some fun, creepy times, I tell you what! If you actually do stop your group from giggling to echo throughout the hallways, the last person left seeking is in for one pants-wetting shock.
