Saturday, September 23, 2006

Too Much 2

I typed the title "Too Much" and my computer remembered that I had previously titled something "Too Much." Is that Much Too Much?

But, yet again, here I am, feeling like Too Much is happening. Too Much work. Too Much food eaten alone (not too much because of the amount of food but because of the frequency of singleness).

Too Much BIG STUFF. Like, publicly calling city officials on inappropriate behavior. Like, being challenged by a fellow clergy person for wanting (too much) definition. Like, pushing my congregation into a possibly politically charged thing it may not be ready for. Like, opening up the "BIG KITCHEN DEBATE 2006". Like helping another congregation choose a pastor.

And, for some reason, my congregation is attracting more and more people who have mental and/or emotional challenges. And, they take a little more patience and time.

Currently, I have two Sunday worships, a wedding, a 3-hour long confirmation time, and 11 days before a glorious week of vacation. I'll be ready for that time away with dear ones. If anything is too much then - it'll be all those things that we want too much of - friends, food, fun, sleep (oh, sleep).

1 comment:

Backwoods Rev said...

for me, 9 days, 1 sermon, 1 devotion, 3 hours confirmation, 7 hours adult education, 1 wedding, 1 book study, 1 bible study, and 1 fundraising campaign kickoff- and then, glorious, or glorious vacation with you, dear amused!