Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Free, for now...

It's interesting that freedom feels instant, while, at least in my sense of the word, bondage sneaks up slowly and innocently.

The effects of my version of freedom, however, are a long time in coming, and I'm not even being oppressed! Is this why systematic change is so difficult? Either within a system, or merely within ourselves. Do we not realize that we are in a place to speak our voices, to advocate, to impact change until after the time has passed that we are truly free to do so.

My experience of freedom cannot compare to so many others. I use dramatic language to help myself understand that I have something good at this moment. Yet, at the same time, I wouldn't want the kind of freedom that means no responsibilities, no plans, not being necessary somewhere. I want something that "ties me down." So, for now, I'll enjoy my freedom by curling up with a book. Not a literary book in which I would most like to delve. Rather, one for class. One I'd like to spend more time with for myself, rather than just using it to prepare for class.

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