Friday, November 04, 2005


Abba sometimes begins her posts by listing her workout accompaniment. In the past, my most successful workout regiments have been when I've had someone who has held me accountable, mainly by working out with me. I don't have that here, at least not yet.** One friend of a friend and I have gone on a few walks together, but there is no set regimen.

I have an athletic club plan. I am going to get week long memberships for weeks that I am here until the new year. I will be trying out each of these athletic clubs as I go and will be able to make a decision around the new year, hopefully around a time when such athletic clubs have a discount for joining. My plan has been aided by two continuing education weeks that have allowed me to exercise other places, as well as some beautiful weather here that has made it all but impossible to stay inside doing work when I could be out being active. And so, I have just about 8 weeks left of this year - or I should say, about 6 weeks where it would be worth it to try a club. I know of 4 such clubs that I want to try out anyway.

The trick though, will be trying to make sure I do keep exercising as I seek a club and after I've joined. And so, my dear blog perusers, you are my accountability piece. Each week I will report what physical exercise I have completed. And so, let it begin. This week I ran (outside, on beautiful days) on Monday and Wednesday this week. I hope to do some kind of physical activity tomorrow as well...but I suppose I can't report that if I haven't actually done it. So - I exercised twice this week. So, this week's magic number is two.

**One friend has mentioned the possibility of trying to join the same athletic club...perhaps with the intent to attend similar classes or workout together?

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