Friday, February 04, 2005

Feline Fellowship

I hate cats.

It's not only that I'm horribly allergic to them. I don't like their unpredictability, their ability to creep quietly and their glowing eyes. I've had too many seemingly possessed cats stalk around the room quietly and suddenly streak by, leaving piles of fluff in their wake.

I've found that as I peruse the men on the web-based meeting service I subscribe to I am turned off by those who own cats and immediately become more interested if they say that they do not like them (in the section that asks which pets one does not like).

I told two close friends (and cat owners) about this tendency of mine and one came up with the following hypothesis: I am a cat.

I'm fiercely independent. Last month someone said to me "you're not very cuddly and fluffy, are you?" I'm not. I like to cuddle, but on my own terms. I'm curious - and sometimes get into things that I shouldn't. I have a lot of friends who really, really like cats. And, most of all, I don't like cats - they invade my space.

So - I think now I need to figure out how to embrace some fellow felines (without activating any allergies) and support them in their independence. I need to admire the traits that we share. Anyone have any insight on what I might discover?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hmmm... have you ever tried to like the really little ones? If you catch them while they are young, I think both you and the cat/kitten have time to fall in love with each other before they get too aloof and space-stealing. Just a thought. I love cats too... and I can see which personality traits of yours might lead to the "you are a cat" theory. This is not a bad thing! Cats don't necessarily always like each other.